IX Cbonds Emerging Markets Bond Conference

16 апреля 2020 г. - 17 апреля 2020 г.
Swissotel The Bosphorus (Visnezade Mah Acisu Sok NO 19 Macka Besiktas)


Culcuoglu Sadik
Head of Capital Markets, Yapi Kredi Yatirim
Martin Pohl
Analyst, Generali Investments CEE
Sahan Okkes
Counsel, Paksoy Ortak Avukat Burosu
Ökkeş Şahan is the counsel specialises in securities law, capital market transactions, corporate governance and public company law. Prior to joining Paksoy, Mr Şahan worked for...
Ökkeş Şahan is the counsel specialises in securities law, capital market transactions, corporate governance and public company law. Prior to joining Paksoy, Mr Şahan worked for almost 15 years at the Capital Markets Board of Turkey as legal counsel in the department of legal affairs, providing legal advice to other departments of the Capital Markets Board. He practises in capital markets, acting for issuers and underwriters in equity, including initial public offerings, debt and equity-linked instruments in international public offerings, Eurobond offerings and private placements. Mr Şahan has also significant experience in listed company mergers and acquisitions in various sectors, including financial institutions and retail, telecommunications, acting for private equity firms and strategic investors. He has a unique experience and deep understanding on the various types of disputes arising among various capital markets participants like investors, shareholders, listed companies, investment institutions, independent audit companies and other capital market participants. He holds the following licenses: capital market activities (advanced level), derivative instruments, real estate appraiser, credit rating specialist, corporate governance rating specialist and independent auditing in capital markets.
Sivach Vitaliy
Trader, ICU
Stern Raphael
CFA, Head of ETF Portfolio Management (EMEA), Invesco
Боянович Крис
управляющий партнер, CapitalOne
One of the original Founders of CapitalOne/Intercapital. Holds a degree in Economics and Finance from Clemson University. Has extensive experience in executive management, M&A and...
One of the original Founders of CapitalOne/Intercapital. Holds a degree in Economics and Finance from Clemson University. Has extensive experience in executive management, M&A and capital markets throughout the SEE. Started with Austria’s Creditanstalt Bank where he ran the trade financing division building a large and extensive business throughout the SEE with a client list of some of world’s largest multinationals. Moved to operational management and was CEO of some of the largest companies in the region with posts from Croatia to Greece. Participated in and or was lead advisor for over a 100mil of M&A transactions of regional media assets (TV and OOH). As managing partner at C1/IC has focused on building a leading non-bank fixed income operation in Serbia.
Вайсберг Валерий
директор аналитического департамента, ИК Регион
С 1995 г. занимал позиции трейдера и руководителя аналитического блока в различных инвестиционных группах. Работал редактором блока «Инвестор» делового журнала «Русский фокус», а также работал...
С 1995 г. занимал позиции трейдера и руководителя аналитического блока в различных инвестиционных группах. Работал редактором блока «Инвестор» делового журнала «Русский фокус», а также работал в ряде других СМИ. К ГК «РЕГИОН» присоединился в 2004 г. в качестве ведущего аналитика. С 2011 года возглавляет аналитический департамент ИК «РЕГИОН». Окончил Московский государственный университет путей сообщения. С 2020 года - научный сотрудник кафедры управления активами МГИМО МИД России.
Дойбер Гюнтер
управляющий директор, глава аналитического департамента, Райффайзенбанк
As department head Mr. Deuber is responsible for macroeconomic, financial market and banking sector coverage of key Western markets (mainly Euro area, Austria) as well...
As department head Mr. Deuber is responsible for macroeconomic, financial market and banking sector coverage of key Western markets (mainly Euro area, Austria) as well as the region Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) at Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) in Vienna, incl. the steering of RBI Research activities/teams in CEE. He is regularly presenting the RBI research views to international corporate clients and financial market investors. Moreover, he is actively supporting internal strategy projects and supports the senior management in discussions with regulators, rating agencies, policymakers and International Financial Institutions. Prior to his current engagement he worked as Senior Economist for CEE at Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and started his professional career at Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB) in Vienna. Mr. Deuber has published two edited volumes covering the Eurozone/EU crisis and has also published several articles in international journals and industry magazines on CEE-related topics. Mr. Deuber is a frequent speaker at landmark events of the finance and banking industry in CEE. He is also guest lecturer at the IMF-sponsored Joint Vienna Institute (JVI) and several universities. Mr. Deuber has briefed policymakers at the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Parliament, former EU Commissioner for enlargement, the OSCE or the German foreign-policy think tank (SWP) on CEE-related and Russia/Ukraine-related topics. Out of the office Gunter Deuber enjoys travelling (with his wife, 8-years old son and 3-year old daughter), skiing and long distance running.
Колек Штефан
директор, старший корпоративный стратег, UniCredit
Stefan Kolek is Senior Corporate Credit Strategist at UniCredit Group in Munich, focusing on Emerging European corporate credits. He has more than twenty years of...
Stefan Kolek is Senior Corporate Credit Strategist at UniCredit Group in Munich, focusing on Emerging European corporate credits. He has more than twenty years of experience in coverage of Emerging European markets, previously as economist and FX/FI strategist. He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Bonn, a Master in Advanced Studies in Applied History from University of Zurich, and a PhD in Economics from the University of Halle/Saale.
Оберман Марос
Rates broker, 42 Financial Services
Панцхава Кити
старший кредитный аналитик, Tellimer
Кити Панцхава – старший кредитный аналитик международной инвестиционной компании Exotix Capital специализирующейся на рынках развивающихся стран. Кити отвечает за анализ инвестиционных возможностей в сегменте корпоративных...
Кити Панцхава – старший кредитный аналитик международной инвестиционной компании Exotix Capital специализирующейся на рынках развивающихся стран. Кити отвечает за анализ инвестиционных возможностей в сегменте корпоративных облигаций в России, Турции, Украине и странах Ближнего Востока и Африки. До прихода в Exotix Capital, Кити более 15 лет занималась кредитной аналитикой на российском и международном рынке в том числе в Газпромбанк – Управление Активами, Nomura International и ВТБ Капитал.
Созинов Юрий
портфельный менеджер, Адамант Капитал (Украина)
За десять лет активной работы приобрел глубокие знания украинского и зарубежного фондовых рынков. Начинал свой карьерный путь в отделе управления активами в страховой компании Универсальная,...
За десять лет активной работы приобрел глубокие знания украинского и зарубежного фондовых рынков. Начинал свой карьерный путь в отделе управления активами в страховой компании Универсальная, после чего руководил активами паевых инвестиционных фондов в ЗАО «КУА Универсальная». На протяжении последних 5 лет возглавляет отдел торговли ценными бумагами украинского локального брокера Адамант Секьюритиз, где отвечает за управление долговыми инструментами, а так же портфелем еврооблигаций. Юрий окончил КНЭУ по специальности «Финансы».
Тренин Дмитрий
руководитель департамента операций с ценными бумагами, БКС КИБ